Revere Christ | 4.28.2024

1 Peter 3:8-22

1. How does God want you to apply “blessing another Jesus-Follower” this week, whether from GEBC or from another church?

2. What does revering Christ as Lord, giving over all to Him, look like for you right now?  How can you facilitate your heart going in that direction?

3. You might not be experiencing persecution right now, but of the four possible distractions mentioned in the sermon (not wanting  to miss out on anything, a high emphasis on performance, past short-comings or failures, materialism) which do you most struggle with? What might giving over to Christ’s Lordship instead of being distracted by those look like for you right now?

4. How can you foster an eternal view in yourself and your home? Knowing that you will share glory with God, unpack what keeps you from experiencing that eternal joy right now.


Godly Relating | 4.21.2024

1 Peter 2:11-3:7

1.  As a Christian, when/how have you felt like a cultural “foreigner” or “exile”?

2. How have you experienced sinful desires waging war against your soul? (1 Peter 2:11-12)

3. How do you abstain from sinful desires? In what good deeds do you engage? When have you seen others praising God as a result of your lifestyle?

4. To whom are you submitting and why do you submit to them? Why does American culture have such a problem with submission? How might submission help the church draw more people to faith in Jesus?