Giving to the local church is an act of worship as it is a unique expression of gratitude to God. When we give, we celebrate all that God has given us, especially His incredible gift of forgiveness made available to all through faith in His son Jesus. God owns everything. When we give, we are simply giving back of portion of what He has entrusted to us. Giving to the local church is also an act of faith, as it helps in accomplishing the mission of Helping Others Follow Jesus, both locally and globally.



We give to fund the mission of the church, which is being carried out both locally and globally. God created and designed the church to be the vehicle for spreading the Good News of Jesus, which happens as we both show (e.g. caring for those with physical needs) and share (i.e. caring for those with spiritual needs) the love of Jesus.

All gifts made to Glen Ellyn Bible Church are used in the support of our church’s mission of Helping People Follow Jesus. Donations support missionaries, mission trips, and our Caregiving Center. Your donations are also used to cover ministry expenses, operations, personnel, and the administrative expenses of the church.

All donations to Glen Ellyn Bible Church are fully tax deductible. Giving statements and receipts are distributed annually.

If you’re looking for more resources on what the Bible says and Christianity believes about giving here is a great list of resources to assist you.


During each of our worship services we take time to receive an offering. You can give during this time by placing your donation, whether cash or check, in the offering plate. We also offer several other ways to give:

Online: Giving online is the most cost effective and efficient way to give to GEBC. You can give via credit card or from your bank account (Auto-withdrawal). More and more individuals and families are choosing to give electronically. This free and convenient service simplifies the giving process, and allows you to give 24/7. It's easy to start, change, or stop and you can easily track your giving and get giving statements right online. If you are interested in giving any one-time or re-occurring gifts online, click here.

Mobile via the Church Center App: GEBC's Church Center App allows members and regular attenders donate online, register for events, and manage their church account. Simply download the app to your smart phone or tablet and you're all set. click here to download on the Apple App Store or click here to download on Google Play If you have question or need login information contact Susan Vance, the church Office Manager, at or 630-469-2964.

Cash or Check: Make checks payable to "Glen Ellyn Bible Church." If you would like your cash gifts to be reflected on your giving statement, use an offering envelope and be sure to write your name and address clearly. You can donate cash or check during our morning worship services or by mailing it directly to the church: 501 Hillside Ave, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137.

Giving Envelopes: For those interested, the church provides dated giving envelopes to help remind you to give and encourage consistency. If you would like to sign up to receive giving envelopes, please contact Susan Vance, the church Office Manager, at or 630-984-5960.

Stocks or Mutual Funds Gifts: Our church welcomes donations of stocks and mutual funds, there are many tax benefits available to donors by doing this. Click here to download the instructions for making a stocks or mutual funds gift. Please notify John Vandervelde our Lead Pastor, at or 630-984-5760 and he can finish processing your donation.

Matching Gifts: Many companies allow their employees to make donations to charitable organizations through payroll deductions, and they often match the gift dollar for dollar. Ask your company's Human Resources, Matching Gift, or Payroll department if the company has a matching gift program.

Personal Property (Gifts-in-kind): It is common of churches and other organizations to receive donations of automobiles, equipment, office supplies, books, and more. We gratefully accept gifts-in-kind that we can truly use. Gifts-in-kind can be a little more complicated due to I.R.S. regulations, but we will be happy to help you with the process. Please contact John Vandervelde, GEBC's Lead Pastor (at or 630-984-5760), to discuss any possible gift-in-kind donations. We will then determine if and how we can use the items and if you need assistance in having the items picked up or if you'll drop them off yourself. The church will provide a letter stating the nature of the gift but it is the donor's responsibility to assess and document the value of the gift for tax purposes. Gifts-in-kind are not included on your statement from the church.

Wills and Estate Giving: A charitable gift can be given to the church through your will or other estate plans and these gifts benefit our church in wonderful ways. This type of gift can also be helpful to appropriately avoid estate taxes. If you choose to include the church in your will or estate plan, please let your attorney know the church's name and address (Glen Ellyn Bible Church, 501 Hillside Ave, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137). If you have already included the church in your will, please let us know so that we can say "thank you", you can contact John Vandervelde, GEBC's Lead Pastor ( or 630-984-5760), to inform the church.

Giving Discipleship Journey (PDF)